Legs and Bases Blog

Monday, August 26, 2013

Metal Table Legs Add to a Labor Day Party Cooler Table

Finding affordable and convenient ways to spice up Labor Day parties isn't always easy. Many of the most eye-catching and useful entertaining supplies and props that you can buy have a tendency to cost a fortune and be nigh impossible to find a reasonable substitute for.

The recent DIY movement has put an end to all of that; from lighting to seating, cheap and manageable innovations are taking the world by storm. One of the most creative ideas that we've come across at Legs and Bases is the patio table with a built-in drink cooler compartment. These can make a perfect Labor Day DIY project, though you should give yourself a few days to complete it before the big weekend. Metal table bases can be used for such a table, giving it both a contemporary look, and the support it needs to withstand the rigors of partying.

Originally conceived, designed and built by Sarah Bowes-Pope and Alex Pope (as detailed on their blog), the design can be adapted in several styles and used throughout the warmer months for many events. In fact, the coolers in the design are convertible and can be covered up to form a completely solid table with some extra space.

Guests will be awed at the utility of this table, with sunken compartments to hold beer, wines, soft drinks, water and more. Ice can just be dropped in, drinks added and the hosts and guests spared from running back and forth to the kitchen.

Lumber for the top and modern or traditional metal table legs are all that’s needed to create the perfect hosting table for your Labor Day event. With solid materials and construction, this table will hold up to the outdoor elements and provide you with a thoroughly utilitarian, yet stylish, piece that will serve you well for years to come. 



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