Legs and Bases Blog

Monday, October 21, 2013

Three Simple Work Day Tips for Better Health and More Energy

Are you sitting as you read this? Stop immediately! Although Churchill may have asked why one should stand when they can sit, the truth of the matter is that sitting all day is one of the worst things you can do for your health.  In one Mayo Clinic report, those who sit more are also more likely to die of a cardiac event or have a chronic illness. Now, the skeptic might argue that those who sit also the ones who eat badly and smoke. However, research indicates that those who exercise and eat right are being affected by chronic sitting as well.

That's because a great majority of us sit in front a computer throughout our workday. So even if someone exercises for an hour a day, they are still sitting for a large percentage of the day, negating many of the benefits of healthy habits. In addition, most of us who sit don't know how to sit correctly either. We hunch over and our wrists are positioned incorrectly, causing spinal injuries and carpel tunnel syndrome. Does this sound bleak? Luckily, there are many different ways to amend your daily routine to get more time on your feet. Here are several easy solutions:

Get up at least once an hour: The easiest thing you can do is make an effort to stand more. At least once an hour, get up from your desk and go for a five minute walk to the water cooler, the bathroom or just around the office. This will not only recharge you, but it will add up to more time spent on your feet.

Stand when you get home: Unfortunately, when most of us get home after a long day, our first inclination is to grab a soft drink and sit in front of the television for a few hours. After sitting all day and commuting home, the last thing you should do is sit some more. Make it a point to stand and move around – either through regular exercise or chores – to restore your energy levels and improve your health.

Invest in a Standing Desk: There are some standing desks that you can purchase online, but to save money and have a desk customized to your height, you can very easily make one yourself. We carry adjustable table legs that are perfect for the DIY standing desk. They are easy to install and cost much less than an assembled desk. With a standing desk, you'll hopefully achieve better health and avoid becoming part of a growing statistic.

For more information on our adjustable table legs, contact a representative today. 

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Building Your Own Table for that First Apartment

As fall progresses and the leaves begin to fall to make way for winter, you're bound to see a number of moving vans all over your town. Many people move during the fall as summer vacations are over and winter snow storms are still a time away, and a number of those people will be moving for the first time. Whether you're moving for that very first job or you're in college and are getting out of the dorms, one thing that you'll learn very quickly is that moving out costs a lot of money.

Between paying for rent and utilities as well as food, laundry and expenses that you wouldn't even imagine are involved with living on your own, you might be a little short on money in the beginning. However, you still need places to sit, eat and sleep, which might take a little creativity. While you can certainly consider purchasing a used table on Craig's List or an auction, or a cheap one at a discount furniture store, we happen to think that it's more fun and a better investment to build your own.

Get your dimensions right: The first thing you'll want to figure out is the size of the table you want. Chances are you won't have a very large dining room, if any, so you'll probably only need a table that is about 34 inches in length and width. However, it's best to get precise measurements to account for your own needs. Otherwise, you might end up with a table that won't fit in your apartment.

What kind of top do you want? When it comes to a top for your table, you'll have a number of different choices to choose from, depending on your budget and personal taste. Some of the most common materials used for the top are plywood, particleboard and traditional lumber.  The type of material you use for the top will determine if you need to do extra sanding, edging, etc.  You can also buy a table top that’s already finished and ready to go if you don’t have the time or tools to make your own.

Finding sturdy legs: While you could certainly construct your own table legs, it actually makes more sense to purchase sturdy metal table legs to provide the support needed for your table to stand. We have a variety of table legs and bases that are under $100.

By taking a little time during the weekend, you can have a table you can be proud of at a price that will make your parents proud. There's no reason that you can't have quality when you start out – you might just have to make it yourself.

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